Agile and Waterfall methodologies are two popular approaches to software development. While both approaches aim to deliver a high-quality software product, there are significant differences between the two methodologies.

Flexibility vs. Rigidity: Agile methodology is more flexible and adaptive, whereas the Waterfall methodology is more rigid. In the Waterfall methodology, the development process is divided into sequential stages, and each stage must be completed before moving on to the next. Agile methodology, on the other hand, follows an iterative approach and allows for continuous feedback and changes throughout the development process.

Customer Collaboration vs. Contract Negotiation: Agile methodology emphasizes customer collaboration throughout the development process. The customer is involved in the development process and provides feedback that is used to guide development decisions. In contrast, the Waterfall methodology is based on contractual agreements between the customer and the development team.

Working Software vs. Comprehensive Documentation: Agile methodology values working software that meets customer needs over extensive documentation. In contrast, the Waterfall methodology emphasizes the importance of comprehensive documentation.

Continuous Improvement vs. Fixed Plan: Agile methodology focuses on continuous improvement and adaptation to change, while the Waterfall methodology follows a fixed plan. Agile teams reflect on their work regularly and make changes to improve the development process. In contrast, the Waterfall methodology follows a plan that is fixed from the beginning, making it difficult to adapt to changes.

Team Collaboration vs. Individual Responsibility: Agile methodology emphasizes team collaboration, while the Waterfall methodology emphasizes individual responsibility. In Agile, the development team works together to deliver the software, while in the Waterfall methodology, individual team members are responsible for specific stages of the development process.

Overall, the Agile methodology emphasizes flexibility, customer collaboration, working software, continuous improvement, and team collaboration, while the Waterfall methodology is more rigid, based on contractual agreements, extensive documentation, a fixed plan, and individual responsibility.